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RDPAC & HKAPI collaborate to establish Joint Guidance on interactions with hospitals & HCPs in GBA

To facilitate members’ interactions with hospitals and healthcare professionals in GBA under the Measure of using HK and Macau registered drugs and medical devices in GBA, the HKAPI collaborated with the R&D-Based Pharmaceutical Association Committee (RDPAC) to develop a Joint Guidance.

We are thrilled to announce that the Guidance has been released, providing guiding principles and scenarios for members’ reference.

The Guidance has been uploaded to Member’s Area.

We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to RDPAC, the Ethics & Compliance Working Group of HKAPI, the GBA task force of HKAPI, and all HKAPI member companies for their support throughout the Journey of drafting the Guidance. 

We hope that the Guidance helps members navigate the unique challenges and opportunities in the dynamic and rapidly expanding GBA market. If members have any further enquiries regarding the Guidance, please don’t hesitate to contact the HKAPI office.


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