Ms. Kara Cheung, Project Team Co-Sponsor, kicked off the session by introducing the team and its role in shaping and monitoring the CDCC and CDF development. Project Team Lead Mr. Patrick Wong, along with team members Mr. Jack Kwan and Ms. Heidi Cheung, discussed the details, potential, and challenges of the CDCC and CDF for the industry.
The next session included a deep dive into the impact and opportunities associated with the CDCC, highlighting differences from similar HA programs. Mr. Stephen Or, Co-Lead of the Project Team, shared key timelines for upcoming primary healthcare developments and insights on how the CDCC and CDF will reshape the landscape in Hong Kong. Mr. Michael Fung explained how members can prepare for future tendering and discussed the implications of the new mechanisms.
A Q&A segment followed, facilitated by Mr. Stanley Yu, where members raised questions about operational details, including CDF enlistment.
Thank you to all participants for your engagement! The presentation of the Sharing Session is now uploaded to the HKAPI Member’s Area.