We are pleased to announce that Mr. Derek Chang has been elected as a Board Member of the association to fill the vacancy in the Board with effect from 9th January 2023.
Asia Summit on Global Health 2022 It is a great privilege for The Hong Kong Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry to join the Asia Summit on Global Health 2022 organized […]
An online EGM was called by the HKAPI Board to pass a resolution to adopt the new Code of Practice.
It was unanimously adopted by members with immediate effect.
HKAPI is pleased to announce that Mr. Howard Lin has been elected as a Board Member of the association to fill the vacancy in the Board with effect from 6th September 2022.
The 1st CEO Meeting of the Term (2022-24) was held online on 11 July 2022. More than 20 CEOs and directors from our member companies joined to meet the new HKAPI Board, and exchanged views on the future directions of the Association.
The Hong Kong Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry (HKAPI) is delighted to be one of the supporting organizations of the hybrid event hosted by InvestHK - “The Journey of Biotech Innovation and Investment in Hong Kong” on 7 July.
To ensure members have a thorough understanding of the relevant laws, regulations and Codes regarding medicinal material communicating to the public via different mediums, the HKAPI organises an event with law enforcement authorities and experts to explain the law and its enforcement.