因應近日市場上對止痛退燒藥物的需求增加,尤其是某些品牌含「撲熱息痛」 (Paracetamol)成分的止痛退燒藥,衞生署於一月六日與香港科研製藥聯會、香港製藥商會、香港醫藥經銷業協會及港九藥房總商會進行視象會議,就維持穩定的藥物供應進行商討。 the Hong Kong Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry, the Hong Kong Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, Pharmaceutical Distributors Association of Hong Kong and Hong Kong General Chamber of Pharmacy (“HKGCP”) on 6 January 2023.
During the meeting, representatives from the relevant associations unanimously indicated that they should not hoard medicine including medicine containing paracetamol for use as analgesics and antipyretics and will take appropriate measures to maintain supply of medicines for the medical need of the public.
The DH thanks the work of all the associations in maintain the steady supply of medicine and urged the public need not to stockpile any medicines. Furthermore, they should consult healthcare professionals for advice before taking any medications for their conditions and avoid buying medicine for self-medication.